@Koalaifyahearme's timeline on Twitter
iPhone Twitterers - does MY pic ever come up in the 'trending' section when you hit 'discover'? I've always wanted to be trendy...Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
You don't have to like me or even want to talk to me. Just star and retweet me so I feel like a god.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Snow White but with an iPod filled with Poison songsRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
We have soldiers renting out our guest rooms. Last time I had this many army boys around me... I don't remember, but there was a videoRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Me: if I woke up as a man, would you bump helmets with me? Hub: *puts pillow over my face* you stop talking now ok?Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I think it's a post to Craigslist casual encounters kind of day, hope they enjoy my ad for the comics I am sellingRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
There are 1,426 billionaires in the world and 3.5 billion people live in poverty. Call me crazy, but that seems lopsided.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I don't complain when you tweet about relationships or whatever stupid shit you're into.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
A Unicorn once told me as we were flying over rainbows. "Nobody gets a free ride in life." Then he dropped me.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Soak the whole world in love........For years.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
LoveLoveLoveLoveLov o WorldLoveWorld e v WorldLoveWorld e WorldWorldWorld World overflowing with Love.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
It's just my eyes, nose, phone & fingers sticking out from the covers. So awesome. I'm cozy. You can't see me. It's like we're not here.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Looking back, I think it was my failure to get his Star Wars reference that put the final nail in that particular coffin. There is no try.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I have nothing to do today Twitter. Retweet rampage?Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Are we friends? I feel like we're friends. cool.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
The Lifetime channel enables us to clear the room of menfolk when we need to fart or scratch our junk. We don't actually watch that crap.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
After watching about 24 zombie movies I've decided I need a crossbow.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I don't care who you are, I will respect your heart. Everyone deserves that.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
It would be so cool if some of the people we love weren't so stupid.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I don't get even with people that have wronged me. I get even with the people that have been good to me.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
What you have carried in your mind about the world is what you will see around the world.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
the police men and women whom I most admire are the ones who are not currently behind me...Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
There is a 4th dimension. In time, you will stub your toe there too.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Let me slip into something a little more comfortable. *falls asleep in a huge bowl of ramen*Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Twitter's seven years old today? Multiply by 200 million active users, factor in twitter time vs real time, that's 50 trillion wasted years.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Im just a guy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to not get the police involved.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I think I’m the only one on Twitter that’s hasn’t written an “orgasm/sarcasm” tweet. Marks it off the bucket list. Drops mic. Does your momRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
not even noon and i've pissed off another family member. they're dropping like freakin flies.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
If these phones are so smart why don't they keep us from tweeting stupid bullshit?Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ♥Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Blocked, mocked, and parodied. And you don't like my anti-favstar tweets? Fuck you.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I took bumper sticker advice. Just like I always do. Act Your Wage Fell asleep picking my butt. And when I woke up, I threw poo.
#ftwot -
Friends had a blast doing a show last night in front of a 'sea of people'. I had a riot on Twitter, wondering if Patton took naps.
#ftwot -
Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence ~Vince Lombardi ♥Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
With letters on the parts, I spelled Anita Pallenberg & Britt Eklund. I doubt it's them. Why'd I buy mail-order brides from IKEA?
#ftwot -
Just admit that you're fucking wrong and I'm fucking right! It will save so much time Father Murphy.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
When I asked what you were doing tonight, I sort of meant besides ignoring my texts.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
i'm busy knitting a straitjacket for your baby.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Defend you? Pfft. Not if it'll cost me my Favstar status.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Just stalked one of our work crushes via Twitter...of 15 people he follows one is Rachael Ray. We'll be over here questioning everything...Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Love never makes you less than you areRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Was told I don't know the half of it, but as luck would have it, I do. It's all crap we don't need to believe.. Just hype and jive.
#tbot -
It's gonna be ok It's gonna be ok It's gonna be ok It's gonna be ok It's gonna be ok It's gonna be ok It's gonna be ok It's gonna be ok It'sRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
After doing some laps around the park, I wanna say: "Walking is for the birds." But, most of those fowl-mouthed peckerheads can fly.
#tbot -
I’m still wearing a fly suit. My faceplant in the yard simply means I’m wearing the outfit that is only supposed to be worn for show.
#tbot -
Factor in my handicap and you’ll find I’m always in contention. Even when stating the obvious. What? Get that clown off the stage.
#tbot -
You say I overreact. I say you’re just jealous because you suck at jumping hurdles.
#tbot -
On the 7th day, the gods still chose to fuck with me on their day off.
#tbot#thebookoftweet -
~ “Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts.” Jim Morrison ♥Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
One day I will come back to this place with silly string and end all of these people.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Backspace. Cancel. You shoulda seen what I was bout to say yo. You woulda been like, "awww shit homey. That's wrooong".Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
remember that time you were immature and said dumb things. stay thereRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Good evening residents of my twitterhood. Use your common sense tonight, if that fails go ahead & get on the roof with your coloring books.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
From my point of view,the Wall street occupiers(&other places)are people who took the red pill,& they know the truth about what "Matrix" isRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
My martial arts style: I say a clever one-liner after every punch like they do in the action movies... I get beat up a lot.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I'm just a girl. Sitting quietly in a room. Trying not to fuck anything up.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
According to my dog, the answer to all of life's questions is: Lick your butt.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I would leave Twitter but I have nowhere go.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
You: Hey, I just gave you a star on that tweet Me: Yeah, but it had a typo in it You: I suppose you want me to re-star the new one Me: OKRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
The humour in a tweet is inversely commensurate with how long it took to jesus fuck this tweet is boringRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I'm definitely the hottest girl in this men's roomRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Totally subtweeted myself... Now I wait.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
You know what boils my piss? Me neither, Google has no information on the boiling point of urine.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
"Progressively worse" is always funnier.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Sorry we're lacking in meme Tweets and joke formats tonight. We know how appealing those are to the barely literate.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I know you just left your hulk hands behind so that you'd have an excuse to come back <3Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
her story was written in the lines between what she felt and what she did. spoken by othersRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up. - Albert Einstein ♥Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
*Tinfoil Flowers In Her Hair* waiting for her sleek robotic knight in shining rose petals to tickle her stems & juice up her tingling daisyRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Settle down Mr self appointed line coordinator at the bank... Settle the fuck down :/Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
unbearable means you can't do it without a bear so get a bear duhRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
You are as beautiful as you make others feel.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Janet: "Give me a beat!" Audience: *pelts Janet Jackson with fresh beets* That's the trouble with homophones :/Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Someone who makes you feel worthless hasn't seen happiness in a really long time & they don't see it in you...walk away.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
travel the trails until you see goodness sincerity kindness. if you don't see it yet keep going. keep going and keep going and keep goingRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Thanks to all the people that make an effort to keep Twitter a fun and safe place for us to come and be appreciated for being ourselves.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
it's not that i like tea so much it's that i like holding a cupRetweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Hipster sushi restaurant employees serve complimentary eye rolls when you order Teriyaki Chicken.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
It's like this old lady on the bus doesn't even see me trying to initiate a rap battle.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
I had friends until I sent that third winky face emoticon. Third times the charm.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Everyone gets angry on here eventually. It's written in the stars. Or something.Retweeted by 2 deepsuper PacExpand
Labels: #ftwot, #gaf, #gsoav, #jsntf, #tbot, tweets, twitter
posted by Taranonymous Reads Not the Book of Tweet @ 4:16 PM 0 Comments